Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday School Craft - Memory Verse Scrapbook Page

I teach a Sunday school class of fourth and fifth grade girls. One of things they enjoy the most is when we do a craft together. Sometimes they give me ideas of what they want to do, and other times I find some easy projects. I always try to either relate the craft to the lesson, or at least to a Bible verse.

A craft that the girls really liked was this memory verse scrapbook page. The colors of all the materials can be adapted to the season, if desired.


One 12 by 12 inch sheet of scrapbook paper in a decorative pattern for each girl
One 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of plain colored scrapbook paper
Markers or glitter markers
Scissors, either plain or the ones that cut decorative borders
Yarn or ribbon
Hole Punch


1. Write the Bible verse on the plain sheet of scrapbook paper. This can be done with a black or colored marker, or a glitter-type marker.

2. If you have the decorative-cutting scissors, let the children cut around the edge of the paper they have just written the verse on. If not, it is fine the way it is.

3. Glue the plain paper to the larger patterned scrapbook paper.

4. Now, hole-punch around the outside of the large scrapbook paper. Make the holes evenly spaced at a length good for stitches.

5. Using matching yarn or ribbon, have the kids "sew" in and out of the holes. You may need to put a little piece of scotch tape at the end of the yarn to keep it from fraying or being too wide to go through the holes.

6. When finished putting the yarn or ribbon through all of the holes, tie a little knot in the yarn where it won't be seen. You can even put a piece of tape to hold it to the back of the project for extra strength.

This creates a lovely scrapbook page from the Bible memory verse. They can hang it up in their room, on the refrigerator, or put it in a plastic sleeve in an actual scrapbook. Don't forget to have them put their name and date on the back of the page.



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