Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Drain a Clogged Washing Machine

When your washer suddenly clogs up before all the water has finished draining, what do you do? This seems to be a dilemma most of us are faced with when our washing machine suddenly acts up. If this suddenly happens to you, you should drain your clogged washing machine first before finding out what is wrong.

Here are the steps to do that:

1. The first thing you need to do is to make sure the drain hose is not twisted. If this is the case, the twisted part might be preventing water from flowing freely. Make sure you straighten it first before resuming the drain cycle. If this is not the cause of the problem go to the next step.

2. Some washing machines have drain hose located close to the water pump filter. If your machine has this, you can unstop the drain hose first for a while and then direct it to an empty bucket. The bucket will catch the water draining from the machine. This might take some time. You also have to get another empty bucket and place it nearby just in case the first one is filled up completely.

3. Another method you can try is to check your machine for the rear drain hose and then remove it from where it is connected. In this process, the water will run quickly. Make sure you direct it on pails again before it makes a pool of water on the floor. If you have a floor drain, just direct the hose there. When all the water has been removed, you can now reconnect the rear drain hose.

4. If you positively have no idea how to remove drain hose or where it is located and you do not want to open your washer up feeling incompetent in this problem as you are, you can always use a small pail and remove it one bucket at a time. Bail excess water out until only about an inch of water is left. In this case, you can absorb the rest of the water through the use of towels. This is the best you can do while you are waiting for a technician to solve the problem for you.

Here are the things you should do when you are facing the daunting task of draining a clogged washing machine. Try any of these steps for an immediate solution to your problem.

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