Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Evolutionary Heritage of the Innate Nature - How to Understand Your Own Nature

Without semantic knowledge or the memic heritage of developed knowledge, humanity would never had left the jungles, but had remained as intelligent animals, chasing for breakfast. Although the complexity of our thought would make a seagull jump all over the ground, wherein an ordinary day of perceiving the flashing representations and episodes we go through in our minds would be a baffling religious experience to an ape and the contemporary level of knowledge would make Aristotle suffer a severe form of inferiority complex, that is if he could survive the shock of what humanity become, we are still bound to our innate nature.

The long chain of evolutionary development has lead in one of its branches to the emergence of human existence. While most of our humanist nature can be called nothing else but the emerging ethical nature of our being, developed throughout ages as guiding principles to value the aspects of equal existence and thus equal rights, and how to behave in relativity with others with these two characterizing rights to exist in the way one chooses, life in its all layered dimensionality are non-the-less the properties of our bodies.

If I had been born at the eleventh century, as the roots of my bloodlines originate partially from Norway, I would without a doubt been a notorious Viking. This is due to the fact that knowledge conditions the innate nature, yet having relatively the same eyes to receive photons from the environment to perceive the contents of it as relatively the same as an image as the person standing next to me, if her eyes are able to perceive the same range of colors as I am. And what are muscles but properties of the innate nature, as are the range of emotional responses my body is able to produce? Remove one body part, and the range of experience lessens, thus clearly indicating how we are but the emerging result of our nature.

Now, the value of existence does not lessen in any way if a person is considered fully as the body he or she is. Everyone acts in accordance of their own nature, and the fact of existence, or the enjoyments and sufferings of life do not disappear anywhere whether a human is considered as an emerging form of bodily existence or not. Does this then remove the spiritual dimensions of our existence away? Of course not. Our ability to perceive beyond the environment in representational level exists, and the ability to make spiritual choices do not vanish to thin air in the moment when a person realizes that he or she is what his or her body is. Existence is valuable as it is, human life as it is is extraordinary and filled with exceedingly complex experiences.

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